Exploring Ancestral Culture and Vibrant Traditions


Central Kalimantan: Exploring Ancestral Culture and Vibrant Traditions

Discover the cultural richness of Central Kalimantan through captivating images that reveal the legacy of their ancestor culture. Witness the unique second burial places, where wooden sculptures in anthropomorphic and zoopomorphic forms stand as impressive symbols of reverence. Experience the heartfelt connection of the people with their own religion and the deep veneration they hold for their ancestors.

Journey through the bustling traditional market, where the bountiful produce from the forest and ladang paints a vivid picture of their sustainable way of life. Marvel at the provision of meat sourced from hunting, a testament to their intimate bond with nature. Each image captures the essence of Central Kalimantan's vibrant traditions, inviting you to discover the profound spirituality and unique customs that define this enchanting land.

Borneo's Mystical Forests: A Tale of Traditions and Conservation

Journey into the mystical land of Borneo through captivating images that reveal the awe-inspiring beauty of its deep forests. Witness the lush palm trees swaying in harmony with nature, a sight cherished by the native communities who have traditionally understood the delicate balance of the land.

Experience the heart of the villages, where ancient traditions are cherished and preserved, passed down through generations. However, the landscape is changing, and as big companies expand their palm tree plantations, there's a growing concern for the diminishing forest cover.

Marvel at the great sculptures that symbolize their unwavering faith and reverence for their ancestors. Each image captures the essence of Borneo's enchanting landscape, inviting you to discover the rich cultural heritage and timeless customs that thrive amidst the verdant wilderness.

Borneo's Vibrant Traditional Market: A Fusion of Nature and Modernity

Explore Borneo's lively traditional market, where fresh vegetables from the forest and ladang meet hunted meats. Discover a harmonious fusion of tradition and modernity as cultural knowledge and daily necessities intertwine in this vibrant marketplace.

Borneo's Timeless Cultural Legacy: People, Young and Old, Embrace Ancestral Wisdom

Experience the richness of Borneo's cultural tapestry through captivating images of its people— from the wise elders to the curious children. Witness the passing down of ancestral wisdom, as the young learn from the experienced, embracing their special heritage. Each image portrays the timeless connection to their cultural legacy, capturing the essence of Borneo's people filled with wisdom and reverence